Selasa, 20 September 2016


    Hi, ladies and gentlemen, back again with me, Cicilia Mbaubedari. In this occasion, I would like to tell my favorite selfie and this is my favorite selfie. Why I say this is my favorite selfie? because someone's selfie with me, she is one of the most special, she is my everything, she is my mother, the most beautiful woman and have never been lacking in affection, she has a hug that makes me calm, always there when I needed and it makes me believe that she is an angel of God sent for me, she is my share, she who always cared for me under any circumstances, she also loves all her children, she also was the most beautiful woman, and because of him, I believe that love is blind, why can I say that? because she loved me since I was in the womb, even though he had never seen me, and another reason why this photo became my favorite photos, because this photograph Selfie my first with mom, this photo was taken while on vacation, that time we holiday family and for I had never been alone with my mom photo, so, I immediately took a photo Selfie with my mom. When I miss my mom, I always see this photo.

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