Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

My recommendation for Things to do in My Town

Guys  Okay, now I'm going to write my last two assingment.
As the title, my recommendations on things to do in my city.

Btw, I am from the island of Nau, Waropen, Papua Province.
Kampong my page, where the most interesting is the beach, as you've read in assisment I had previously. Okey, actually there is one more place, this place is very unique, I reply in the village, they named the place with sebuatan rep. Probably most of you know sand arise, if the rep is similar to sand arise, only instead of sand arise, this was the rock arise, so it is a coral embossed into the surface of the sea, and coral rep place I was golden brown, so they named rep that yamburi rep, I do not know what it means, but certainly you might have to get there, is, surely everyone already knows the sand arise, but certainly not yet know the merela that in Indonesia there is a place whose name rep, who was raised coral.

Alright guys, I think this is the last recommendation, which you must know promontory right? where I was many headlands, yes probably about five, but the cape with the best view name Tangjung Windewan, this cape has the best view, because, on the right we can see the houses of people who live in the village I, another kalo seblah we look to the left, you will see unspoiled beaches without any touch.

Okay guys, I think that's all I can to, if you're curious as village I, live view on google, because I'm blogging this with mobile-phone, and can not enter the picture, yya I do not know who it yaang wrong, me or phone me , just like that. Okay sorry if you do not like and thanks for reading.

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